Download Release Candidate 2.0

I’m working on a new release. New features are:

  • auto-resizing images and theme depending on visitor’s screen resolution
  • square thumbs
  • add “mosaic” as standard menu
  • polyglot support
  • add some css options
  • mysite_config.php to define your customs options… to make easier to upgrade new versions.


  • tags archives

You can download here But… remember is an RC.


  • hyperory says:

    Hiya, just want to send you a CHEER! for the efforts you’re putting in to make your 2.0 release. I’ve been TRYING to learn WP and looking to get a gallery theme to modify to facelift my portfolio site. (currently flash-driven and.. unfriendly)

    Anyway, YOU CAN DO IT!!!


    Drop me a line when you have. If it’s okay with you, I want to make a designer-portfolio-friendly version, and credit you (of course!)

  • ziRta says:

    Hola Fran 🙂
    Yo también estoy utilizando tu theme para mi portafolio de ilustración, aunque por supuesto, aún tengo mucho que aprender de códigos -aún no sé cómo desactivar lo del thumb xD Espero tu actualización! 😀

  • dirkhaim says:


    I get this really bizarre error when the entire EXIF content is just dumped on the screen, including the binary of the thumbnail:

    Any idea?


  • dirkhaim says:

    Oh, it came from the EXIF data which yapb was dumping

  • Michael says:


    I am just getting started using wordpress and cannot figure out why my favicon will not change. I have replaced the favicon file in the theme’s directory and uploaded the new .ico image but the old image still remains. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

  • Don says:

    Just installed this RC on a stock install of WP 2.8.4, and got this error across the top of the page:
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /www/ in /www/ on line 10

  • Fran Simó says:

    Don, let me upload a new version in a day.

  • mike says:

    Hey Fran,
    I just installed and got the same error across the top. Did you upload a new version with this fix?
    Thanks for your help and a great theme to build from.

  • Fran Simó says:

    Ups! I’m sorry I’m too busy this days… but I’m going to upload it soon, I promse

  • mike says:

    Hola Fran,

    I just completed my NYC 365 Project using your theme. I would love to have the mosaic page be the first page and then they can click on the image they want. Is this possible?

    I have been trying to fix the header but can’t seem to figure out where it is getting caught up. Is it the header.php or the get_resolution.php ? I know you are busy but I am hoping it is an easy tweak for you and I can get this page looking perfect!

    Thanks for your help and I love your photos! Where in Spain do you live? I lived in Barcelona for 2 years and LOVED it!
    Muchas Gracias y Saludos!

  • Fran Simó says:

    All these problems may be cause by


    Which should be


    On config.php line #54

  • Phogulum says:

    I have also this error and I’ve always had this line false:

  • Fran Simó says:

    I hope this solve all our problems.

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