Download version phT 3 beta

This is a beta version. It solves the headers problem found in some servers.

You can download here phT_3_beta_0.


  • White theme.
  • Improved speed.
  • Widgets and menus.
  • Add support for for non-YAPB bogs, shows the gallery.


  • Jerry says:

    Hi, I’m interested in the theme. It appears the download link doesn’t work. Thank You.

  • Fran Simó says:

    Jerry, it’s solved now.

  • yougmen says:

    Thnking you and this theme.

    this theme is able to work on WP3?

    I am testing on WP3.3

    pht3 thme option cannot save…permission error.
    but reflection file.

    I want to use pht3 on WP3!!

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